March 11, 2017

Polity #5 Important Features of the Constitution.

Indian constitution- lengthy and most comprehensively written constitution-sufficiently flexible
Federal System with a unitary bias.
  • Consti provides for a Federation with a strong centre.
  • Describes India as a “Union of States”.
  • Both federal and unitary features.
  • Federal structure acquires a unitary character during emergency.
  • (The federal and unitary features are dealt with in detail in the end.)
Fundamental Rights
  • Consti has an elaborate lists of Fundamental Rights which cannot be taken away or abridged.
Fundamental Duties
  • 11 fundamental duties. 10 added by 42nd Amendment, 1976, 11th added by the 86th Amendment, 2002.
Directive Principles of State Policy
  • Non-justiciable.
Bicameral Legislature
  • Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Rule of Law
  • No person can be punished expression for the breach of an existing law.
  • All persons are equal before law.
  • The Consti is the Supreme law of the land. Laws made must adhere to it.
Single Integrated Judiciary
  • One Supreme Court with High courts under it and Subordinate courts under it.
Provision of Independent Bodies
  • Election Commission.
  • Comptroller and Auditor General
  • Public Service Commissions (union&state)
  • (Salaries drawn from the Consolidated Fund of India)

Secular State - People as source of authority (“We, the people of India…”) - Universal Adult Franchise - Emergency Powers - Single Citizenship - Special Provisions for Minorities - Panchayati Raj - Independent Judiciary - Strikes balance between Constitutional supremacy and Parliamentary sovereignty.
Panchayati raj- art-40 of part-4, 73rd amendment, municipality- 74th amendment

Federal and unitary features

Indian constitution- both federal and unitary features

Federal features:
  • Distribution of powers between centre and state in three lists (central, state and concurrent lists)
  • Neither centre nor state alone has the power to alter the constitution, and an amendment procedure is clearly mentioned.
  • Amendment should be made by the parliament, if it affects the federal structure- should be ratified by at least half of the state legislature.
  • Independent and single unified judiciary.

Unitary features:
  • Single citizenship, in other federal states often have dual citizenship
  • Residuary powers  belong to the centre, union list is to be legislated upon by the centre only
  • However Centre can also indulge in concurrent list
  • In case of a clash between centre and state legislations, the central legislation will prevail.
  • The proclamation of national emergency can immediately change the nature from federal to unitary.
  • In federation each state should get equal representation- but in india- allocation is by population and president can nominate 12 persons
  • Governors are appointed by the President
  • Comptroller and auditor general and chief election commissioner have equal authority over centre and states.
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