March 1, 2017

Polity #3 : Sources of the Constitution

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Skeleton of the Indian constitution – Govt of India Act -1935
Govt of India Act-1935- blue print, features of federal system, office of governor, powers of Federal Judiciary.


  • Bicameral parliamentary system, rule of law, law making procedure
  • single citizenship


  • Fundamental rights 
  • Preamble 
  • functions of president (as executive head) and vice president
  • independence of judiciary,  judicial review, removal of judges of supreme court and high court


  • Federation with strong centre, residuary powers to the centre
  • Advisory power of Supreme Court


  • Directive principles of state policy
  • Election of President and nominations of members of Rajya Sabha by President

Weimar constitution of Germany:

  • Suspension of fundamental rights during emergency


  • Concurrent list, trade and commerce provisions

South Africa:

  • 2/3 rd majority in parliament for amendments 
  • election of members of rajya sabha by the proportional representation


  • Republican system
  • liberty, equality and fraternity


  • Fundamental duties
  • ideals of justice in the Preamble

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