March 1, 2017

Polity #4 : Constituents of the Constitution

PDF available, here.

Art- 1-4
The union and its territory


Part- III
Fundamental Rights

Right to equality- 14-18

  • 14- equality before law
  • 15-no discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, birth
  • 16-equal opportunity in employment
  • 17- abolition of untouchability
  • 18- abolition of titles

Right to freedom-19-22

  • 21- protection of life and personal liberty
  • 21-A- right to education
  • 22- protection against arrest and detention in certain cases

Right against exploitation-23-24

  • 23-traffic in human being and forced labour
  • 24-prohibition of employment of children in factories

Right to freedom of religion-25-28

Cultural and educational rights-29-30

  • 29- protection of interests of minorities
  • 30- right of minorities to administer educational institutions

Saving certain laws- 31A to 31C
Right to constitutional remedies-32-35
33-power of parliament

Directive principles of state policy
Article 36-51

  • 39- principles and policies to be followed by the state
  • 39A-equal justice and free legal aid
  • 40- organization of village panjayats
  • 43-wage for workers
  • 43A- participation of workers in management industries
  • 44- uniform civil code for citizens
  • 46- education to sc and sts
  • 47- health improvement by state
  • 48-agriculture and animal husbandry protection
  • 48A- environment and wildlife
  • 49- monuments and national important places protection
  • 50- separation of judiciary from executive
  • 51- promotion of international peace and security

Part-IV A- fundamental duties

Part- V- the union
5- chapters

Chapter-1- The executive

  • 52- president of india
  • 53- executive power of union
  • 54-election of president
  • 61- impeachment of president
  • 63- vice president
  • 64- vice president as ex office chairman of council of states
  • 65- vice president to act as president in time of vacccancy
  • 66- election of vice president
  • 74- council to aid and advice president
  • 75- Prime minister
  • 76- attorney general of india

       Chapter-2- parliament

  • 79- constitution of parliament
  • 80- rajya sabha- council of states
  • 81- lok sabha- house of people
  • 83- duration of houses
  • 85-sessions of parliament
  • 86- right of president to address the houses
  • 87- special rights of the president
  • 89-chairman and deputy chairman, 90- resignation
  • 93- speaker, deputy speaker, 94- resignation
  • 95- power of deputy speaker to act as speaker
  • 98- secretariat of parliament
  • 108- joint sitting
  • 110-money bills
  • 112- budget
  • 120-language to be used in parliament’
  • 122- courts cannot inquire into the proceedings of the parliament

Chapter-3- legislative powers of president

  • 123-power of president to promulgate ordinances during recess of parliament

Chapter-IV- Union Judiciary

  • 124- establishment and constitution of supreme court
  • 125- salaries of judges
  • 126- appointment of acting chief justice
  • 143-power of president to consult supreme court
  • 144- civil and judicial authorities to act in aid of supreme court

Chapter-V- comptroller and auditor general of india

  • 148- comptroller and auditor general of india
  • 149- duties and powers of him

Part-VI- The states
Art-152-237- state level legislature, high courts and subordinate courts

Part-VIII- The union Territories-239-241

Part-IX- The Panchayat- 243-243O

Part-IX-A- The municipalities

Part IX-B- the cooperative societies
Part X- the scheduled and tribal areas

Part-XI- relation between union and states

Part-XII-  finance, property, suits

Art 300-A- Right to property

Part- XIII- trade, commerce within india

Part- XIV- services under the union and states

  • 309- recruitment
  • 310-tenure
  • 311- dismissal, removal
  • 312- all india services
  • 315- PSC


Part-XV- Election
326- election through adult suffrage

Part-XVII- official languages

Part-XX- amendment of the constitution

Last part- Part-XXII

Totally- 22 parts, 395 articles initially. 25 parts 448 articles, now

Schedules of Indian Constitution:

Initially-8 schedules- and 4 were added later

1st schedule- 28 states, 7union territories

2nd schedule- salaries

  • Part A- salary- president and governor
  • Part-B-omitted
  • Part-C- salary of speaker, deputy, chairman/voce chairman of lok and rajya
  • Part-D-salary- judges- supreme and high
  • Part-E-salary- comptroller and auditor general of India

3rd schedule-oaths of both houses

4th schedule-allocation of seats in Rajya Sabha- states and UTs

5th schedule – administration of Scheduled areas and Sts

6th schedule- Administration of tribal areas of north eastern states

7th schedule – distribution of power between union and states- union, state and concurrent list
8th schedule- description of 22 languages

9th schedule- validation certain acts and regulations

10th schedule- provision as to disqualification- anti-defection law

11th schedule- panchayats power – 73rd amendment

12th schedule- 74th amendment

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