May 10, 2020

Hello Everyone.

Here re some News Crisps from this week.

International Relations

  • $1.5 Billion ADB Loan to fund COVID response (International Relation)- (Play)

(Loan provided by ADB to India)

  • Global Terrorism Index 2019 - slammed by NITI Aayog (International Relations) - (Play)

(Important highlight of 2019 Report on Global Terrorism Index)

  • USCIRF downgrades India in 2020 List (International Relations) - (Play)

(India placed under Country of Particular Concern - CPC, US can impose sanctions)

  • Study on China dams bring Brahmaputra into focus (International Relation) - (Play)

(India and China and control over rivers)

  • By any calculus, India qualifies for UNSC permanent seat (International Relation)- (Play) (Security Council Seat for India)
  • Afghan peace and India's elbow room (International Relations) - (play)

(India Afghanistan Relations)

  • China, US, spar over Taiwan (International Relations) - (play)

(China’s claim on Taiwan as its province, Location of Taiwan, Water Bodies)

  • BRICS against COVID-19 (International Organization) (New Development Bank & BRICS) - (play)
  • Resuscitating Multilateralism with India's help - Lead Article (International Relations) - (play)

(Multilateral System, Global Supply Chain, Globalisation)

Indian Economy

  • Trends in tax receipts (ECONOMY) - (play)

(Trends in government revenues)

  • Food nutrition and livelihood security : COVID impact (Economy)- (play)

(Social impact of lockdown)

  • Index of eight core industries (Economy) - (play)

(Measuring industrial growth)

  • States scrape the barrel as revenue dry up (Indian Economy) - (play)

(Drying up of state taxes and revenue)

  • COVID­19 and India’s fiscal conundrum (Indian Economy) - (play)

(Resource Mobilisation)

  • New Economic Model (Economy) - (play)

(Problems in the present economic model)

  • Steps to Boost Economic Growth : Abhijit Banerjee (Economy)- (play)

(Measures to deal with Economic crisis caused by COVID-19 Pandemic)

  • A war like state and a bond to the rescue – Article (Economy) (play)

(About Consol Bond, Issued in war like situation)

Polity & Governance

  • Anti-graft laws cover Deemed Universities: SC (Polity & Governance) - (play)

(Officials of Deemed universities are Public Servant under Prevention of Corruption Act)

  • Privacy concerns during a pandemic – Article - (Polity & Governance) - (play)

(No legal sanction on use of different technology to fight COVID-19)

  • Governor’s Rule in BTAD may impact Assam alliance govt (Polity & Governance) - (play)

(Autonomous District Council)

  • EC vague on RTI asking if J&K is in Electoral College (Polity & Governance) - (play)

(Presidential Election)

  • Should govt. intervene in platform-publisher relationships? (Polity & Governance)) - (play)
  • Minorities panel chief charged with sedition (Polity & Governance) - (play)

(National Minority Commission, Sedition, Freedom of Speech, Case Laws)

  • MPLADS, its suspension, and why it must go (Polity & Governance) - (play)

(Issues arising out of implementation of schemes )

  • Off course (Editorial) (Polity & Governance)) - (play)

(Inter-State River Water Dispute)

  • Rent control amidst pandemic - Article (Polity & Governance) - (play)

(Model Tenancy Act, 2019, Housing for All by 2022)

Environment, Ecology & Biodiversity – Geography

  • Tripura groups oppose settlement of Brus (Human Geography) (Bru Tribe) - (play)
  • Scramble for funds as Centre tightens purse strings (Ref-1) - (play)
  • India’s disease surveillance system needs a reboot (Ref-2) - (play)

Science & Technology

  • BCG Vaccine for COVID-19 Prevention (Science & technology) - (play)
  • Can antibody test help tackle COVID-19? - FAQ (Science & Technology (play)

(RT-PCR Test - Antigen -direct test, Rapid Testing Kits - Antibodies)

  • Drug Approved for use in Emergency - Remdesivir – (Science & Technology) - (play)

(Remdesivir - Antiviral drug - used to treat Ebola & Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)

  • Pigs die of suspected Hog Cholera in Meghalaya (Science & Technology) - (play)

(Hog Cholera - Classical swine Fever - & African Swine Fever, Disease caused by virus)

History & Culture

  • All-Indian Home Rule League – (History & Culture) – (play)

(Important aspects of Home Rule League)

  • Documenting the last honey hunting group of Arunachal (History & Culture) - (play)

(About Sherdukpen Tribe, Chi Lupo – Honey Hunter, Best Documentary Film)

Social Issues

  • A greater impact on women (Social Issues) - (play)

(COVID and Women)

  • Status of casual labors
  • Classification of workers - NSO (Social Justice) - (play)
  • (Steps to improve the status of workers in India )