January 1, 2019

Word Of The Day

Happy new year, HSEE aspirants! To start off 2019 with a bang (and to help you with your preparation) we'll be introducing 'Word Of The Day', a means through which you can improve your vocabulary day by day.
'Word Of The Day' will basically explore one word a day and it will be covering the following:
- The definition of the word
- Its pronunciation
- Its usage
- Its synonyms and antonyms
- Its origins
- Usage cues for a few synonyms
We hope that this section will help you in your journey of preparing for HSEE!
All the best!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this feature! It was an article on this very blog that introduced me to Word Power Made Easy and Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary - the two resources I learn most of my English-language vocabulary and usage from. I'm a huge fan of the Word of The Day feature on the M-W's Online Dictionary website, though several other online lexicons offer the feature currently. The Word Games on the website consolidate my understanding of meanings and usage of various words. I have always felt that learning new words for the HSEE (or otherwise) should be accompanied by understanding a word's etymological roots, various meanings, synonyms and antonyms, examples of the word's usage in the right connotation and trying to incorporate the word in practice essays. The Word of The Day feature on this blog is a great effort in this direction. Thanks for making my HSEE-2020 preparation clearer than it would otherwise be!
